Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hispanic Group Alleges Hate Speech on Cable News
In a petition to the FCC this week, the National Hispanic Media Coalition claims that hate speech is "prevalent" on national cable news networks and wants the government to do something about it...

Napolitano Wants Criminal Aliens Out of US
If you're a criminal and you're not entitled to be in the United States, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano wants you out of the country...

Minutemen Brace for Revival of Amnesty Legislation
The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps is getting ready to again battle against amnesty for illegal aliens – this time with a fresh Congress and a new President...

Mexican Nationals Flock to Consulate Visit
...More than 200 Mexican nationals visited the Rock County Job Center on Thursday to obtain passports or Mexican voter cards, known as matriculas consulares. They came from all over Rock and Walworth counties, representing a variety of ages, family backgrounds and circumstances...

Racial Profiling Claimed in Immigration Arrests
Day-laborer and neighborhood activists Friday accused the U.S. Border Patrol and Riverside police of racial profiling in the immigration arrests of at least 25 people in Riverside's Casa Blanca neighborhoods and said it could strain the Latino community's relationship with the police...