Thursday, April 30, 2009

What's Fair When It Comes to Illegal Immigrants
I always have been insulted when individuals who are pro-illegal immigrants try to logic out why one group of people can break one set of laws while the rest of us should be subject to the exact same laws. For example, the City of Chicago has proclaimed itself to be a sanctuary city. We have individuals who get upset if the police do stings and arrest and take the cars of people who are in this country illegally and driving without a license. Yet we recently had an alderman proclaim that the city should take the cars of American citizens who leave traffic court and drive after being told to not do so. Where is the fairness?...

Immigration Protests Break Out On West Mall
...Members said the fake green cards and candy represented easy amnesty and government entitlements, such as health care and welfare services. The giveaways expressed the group’s view that Obama’s immigration policies would open the border and make it easier for illegal immigrants to enter the U.S. ...