Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Cost to Local Tax Payers for Illegal or "Guest" Workers
Numerous studies have documented the fact that illegal immigrants are a significant fiscal burden on local communities. Because the burden is related to the low wages earned by this population and that is unlikely to change as long as the earnings do not rise more than inflation, any Congressional amnesty-type action that incorporates these foreign workers and allows or admits additional ones will not only perpetuate the fiscal burden, it will increase it...

Feinstein Lies to Promote Illegal Alien Amnesty
With the California unemployment rate at 11.2%, one of the highest in the nation, Sen. Feinstein seems intent on adding "fuel to the fire". She apparently has no regard for her state's currently unemployed and wants to heap another 2 million under educated, social service resource draining, taxpayer dependent job competitors onto the already devastated California economy. She cites a "shortage" of agricultural/farm labor as one justification for this bill. Sen. Feinstein apparently has little or no concern for her state's current legal citizens' plight...