Sunday, July 19, 2009

NY Senator Contemptuously Chooses Illegal Aliens Over Americans
Schumer Pushes Amnesty Bill by Labor Day, Despite the Objections of the American People.
Sen. Schumer shows abject disregard for 15 million Americans who are staggering under the burden of rampant unemloyment, 9.7%, the highest in 25 years. Schumer declares he will deliver the Amnesty Bill by Labor Day in spite of overwhelming objection by the American people. Millions of faxes, emails, telephone calls, letters and petitions objecting to the bill apparently means little to Schumer, as he cites a biased report prepared in support of the oppressive Amnesty legslation being forced upon the nation. Senators supporting this bill, in apparent disregard for voters objections, must feel secure for their next election, believing their constituents will not remember their voting records...