Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What is the Matricula Consular Card?

The Matricula Consular de Alta Seguridad (MCAS) (Consular Matriculation of High Security) is an identification card issued by the Government of Mexico through its consulate offices to Mexican nationals residing outside of Mexico regardless of their emigration status.[1] Also known as the Mexican CID card, it has been issued since 1871,[2] and cardholders could be either legal or illegal aliens in the foreign country they are residing in.[3] The official purpose of the card is to demonstrate that the bearer is a Mexican national living outside of Mexico. It includes an official Government of Mexico issued ID number and bears a photograph and address of the Mexican National to whom it is issued.

Use of the MCAS cards by illegal aliens weakens the measures established by the U.S. Congress after "9/11 to safeguard American businesses and financial institutions against fraud and abuse".[4] U.S. law enforcement officials also cite that Matricula Consular cards are issued by Mexican Consulate without checking the authenticity of the applicant's supporting documentation.

In a letter to the Homeland Security Secretary, the U.S. House Chairmen of the Homeland Security Committee, the Judiciary Committee, the Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security, and the Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, & Intellectual Property wrote, that the Matricula Consular "can be a perfect breeder document for establishing a false identity". They warned that criminals could exploit the cards to conceal their identity as well as launder money and write fraudulent checks. They went on to point out that any acceptance of the cards by the Federal government "compromises our homeland security" by providing an opportunity for terrorists to freely move about the U.S., board planes and transfer funds for terrorist activities.[5] (for more info check Wikipedia. .matricula consular card)