Saturday, February 6, 2010

Rally Team Members,


This coming Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2009, at 10 AM the oppostion will be given an opportunity to speak against both Senate Bills 35 and SB150 at the hearing in the State and Local Government Affairs Committee. Both bills are in their third hearing with only the opposition speaking this time, so it is MOST IMPORTANT for you to call/ e-mail committee members ( see list below) to remind them of our APPROVAL of both bills. In 2008 a similar bill was passed through committee and the Senate in one day, so we have a real chance to get these passed this time.

SENATE BILL 35 sponosred by Senators Bill Seitz (R - Cincinnati) and Jimmy Stewart (R - Albany) would mandate that the Ohio Attorney General pursue a memorandum of agreement with Immigrations and Customs Enforcement to deputize Ohio law enforcement officers as immigration enforcement officers. This would provide for the enforcement of both criminal and civil violations of immigration law. This memorandum agreement is commonly referred to as a 287(g) program.

SENATE BILL 150 sponsored by Senator Gary Cates (R-West Chester), would provide that a board of county commissioners may direct a sheriff to take custody of persons who are being detained for deportation or who are charged with criminal violations of immigration law and to expressly authorize state and local employees and county sheriffs to render assistance to federal immigration officials in the investigation and enforcement of federal immigration law. Senate Bill 150 is a reintroduction of the last general assembly's Senate Bill 260, which contained the same provisions. The bill text is currently in the Senate State and Local Government and Veterans Affairs Committee.

Chairman - Senator Jim Hughes -
Senate Building Room # 038 Ground Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Phone: 614-466-5981

Senator Jimmy Stewart -
Senate Building Room #040 Ground Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215

Phone: 614-466-8076

Senator John Carey -
Senate Building Room #127 first Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Phone: 614-466-8156

Senator Timothy Grendell -
Senate Building Room #042 Ground Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Phone: 614-644-7718

Senator Bill Seitz -
Senate Building Room #143 First Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215

Phone: 614-466-8068

Senator Mark Wagoner -
Senate Building Room #129 First Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215

Phone: 614-466-8060

Senator Ray Miller -
Senate Building Room #228 Second Floor
Ohio 43215

Phone: 614-466-5123

Senator Nina Turner -
Senate Building Room #226 Second Floor
, Ohio 43215

Phone: 614-466-4583

Senator Teresa Fedor -
Statehouse Room #051 Ground floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215

Phone: 614-466-5204