Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The NEW Amnesty Bill

Amnesty For Illegal Aliens On The Way Back To Congress - 'Comprehensive' Immigration Bill That Includes Amnesty. 'Pathway to Citizenship' for Illegal Aliens.

The Obama Regime has tapped Senators Charles Shumer D-NY and Lindsey Graham R-SC to create a Comprehensive Immigration Bill. The bill was supposed to have been introduced and passed into law during Obama's first year in office. But a little thing called "ObamaCare" and "ObamaCare 2.0" got in the way. Not to mention, a recession and, lest we forget -- the near total collapse of the American economic system. So, immigration was pushed back aways.

Well, this week, the President will be meeting with Shumer and Graham for a progress report on the immigration bill they have been working on...