Saturday, March 20, 2010

Wait-And-See Is Not An Immigration Strategy

We don't know how many times we'll have to write that the time for comprehensive immigration reform is overdue, that our nation's system just isn't working. And however many times it takes, we will. Instead of getting better, our immigration problems keep getting worse, if that's possible.

Latest is the news that Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano has suspended payments on the "virtual fence" that many reformers, including this newspaper, had hoped would increase security along the U.S.-Mexico border. The fence, so far, has been a big dud – and an expensive one.

The U.S. has paid Boeing about $1 billion so far to develop a "virtual fence" that would rely on sophisticated electronics to track people illegally crossing our border with Mexico. Among other problems, The New York Times reports, Boeing failed to design tests that would work out the kinks...