Friday, June 6, 2008

Boy Killed in Hit & Run; Driver Held Without Bond (Drunk Mexican Illegal)
Post Date: 2008-06-06 19:37:46 by supertracpak
Family members say 5 year-old Frank Brooks "was a happy, smiling kid." MEMPHIS, TN - Tate County officials say a man was drunk when he hit a small boy with his SUV and drove away. Jaime Perez, 35, is charged with DUI, leaving the scene of an accident and driving without a license. Investigators also believe Perez is an illegal immigrant. He is accused of hitting 5 year-old Frank Brooks on County Line Road in Tate County. The boy's parents talked only to Eyewitness News Everywhere about the accident they say happened just a few feet away from the family's home. "He was a happy, smiling kid. They would call him 'Frankie Blue Eyes,'" said Frank's mother, Frankie. ...

Woman Sues Federal Government for $5 Million for Deporting Daughter to Mexico When Father Arrested
Post Date: 2008-06-06 16:35:53 by Fijian01
Woman Sues Federal Government for $5 Million for Deporting Daughter to Mexico When Father Arrested Thursday, June 05, 2008 CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A woman whose American-born daughter was deported to Mexico with the father is suing the federal government for $5 million. Texas native Monica Castro accuses the U.S. Border Patrol of refusing to release her daughter to her when the girl's father was arrested in December 2003. Despite proving the child was born in the U.S., Castro says officials took the girl from Lubbock to the Texas-Mexico border. Castro did not find and regain custody of her daughter until three years later. The U.S. Attorney's Office in Corpus Christi is handling ...

Assault on the Border ~ ABP's Mike Christie Faced Death
Post Date: 2008-06-06 13:55:28 by mel_living
American Border Patrol's Mike Christie was nearly killed yesterday when a smuggler attempted to run him down on the border. It was only the quick thinking on the part of this former law enforcement officer that saved his life. This video shows how Christie came across the smuggler in a pick-up truck on ABP's ranch. As Christie moved to investigate, the truck turned around and headed straight for him, accelerating with its rear tires spinning. Trapped with nowhere to go, Christie pulled his sidearm and pointed it at the driver. At the last second, the driver turned toward Mexico and drove through the barbed wire fence at the border. There is no question that had Christie not been armed, he ...

Poll: Most new legal immigrants were illegal at some time
Post Date: 2008-06-06 03:59:05 by glc1173
A new poll shows that more than half of new immigrants who have green cards at some point lived in the state illegally. The study released Wednesday by the Public Policy Institute of California goes against the conventional notion that most legal immigrants wait in their home country for their permanent residency papers before coming to the United States. Researchers say that's not the most common experience. They found 52 percent of new green card holders in California had lived in the country illegally before.When they looked at the country as a whole, researchers found a smaller but still significant percentage of permanent residents -- 42 percent -- have lived in the country illegally. ...


Wife of American Missing in Mexico Speaks Out
( - Laredo resident Sergio Ortiz disappeared in Mexico in 2003, and he isn't the only one.
Full Story

Chertoff Blasts Congress Over Aid for Mexico
( - Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff says U.S. lawmakers are messing up a "historic opportunity" to help Mexico combat heavily armed drug traffickers at the border.
News on the Web


Latinos dying in workplace at higher rates than others
'Language barrier hinders understanding of a job, or the risks associated with it'
--Associated Press


ALERT: FCC rule to drive Rush Limbaugh off the radio

Do you want the government to drive
Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Dr.
James Dobson and other conservatives
off your radio dial?

This month, the FCC will end its review of
a "Notice of Proposed Rulemaking"
which, if ultimately adopted, would
impose a back-door version of the
discredited "Fairness Doctrine" upon
America's airwaves.

Our opponents determination to
take Rush and the others off the air
demonstrates the critical importance of
talk radio.

Rush and the others allow us to
know what is going on in Congress
in time to do something about it.

Had the FCC's stealth "Fairness
Doctrine" been in place
in 2006, amnesty for illegal
aliens would have passed easily.

The FCC's stealth Fairness Doctrine
regulations seek "to ensure that
broadcasters serve
their communities, especially traditionally
underserved audiences," such as non-English
speakers, whether or not these people
actually exist.

The FCC's proposed regulations also contain
a new requirement that all "licensees should
convene and consult with permanent
advisory boards."

These advisory boards "should include
representatives of all segments of the

Such a requirement would
empower self-appointed "community
leaders," such as representatives of
the League of United Latin American
Citizens (LULAC) or the Center for American
Islamic Relations (CAIR), to discourage
commercial radio stations from airing
discussions of controversial matters such
as the costs of illegal immigration
or the meaning of jihad.

Fans of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity,
Dr. James Dobson and other syndicated
radio talk shows need to stand up against
these proposed FCC regulation or watch
our favorite hosts taken off the air
in the name of encouraging
"cultural diversity."

English First has established a web site,,
containing the relevant FCC documents and
a citizen's petition to the FCC
that I hope you will sign.

If you have already signed our petition (over
1,000 Americans have done so), please ask
your friends and neighbors to sign our petition
as well.

Thank you for your time and for doing your part.

Your comments or complaints are welcome.

E-mail them to me at (replace AT with @).


Jim Boulet, Jr.
Executive Director
English First
These alerts are prepared by English First,
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102,
Springfield, VA 22151

(703) 321-8818 (voice) (web).

You can donate to support the work
of English First at

Forwarding of these alerts is encouraged.

If this alert was forwarded to you and
you wish to receive future alerts directly,
sign up here:

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Saddle maker fined over immigration violations

Attorney Phil S. Hurst
Address: 1020 West Second Street
Sulphur, OK 73086-4814
Phone: (580) 622-3322
Saddle maker fined over immigration violations
By The Associated Press
5/20/2008 4:41 PM
MUSKOGEE -- A judge has ordered a saddle and tack manufacturing company in Sulphur to pay $51,000 in fines in connection with violations of immigration law.

Billy Cook pleaded guilty to two misdemeanors immigration violations and was given a $3,000 fine on each count. The 77-year-old owner of Billy Cook Harness and Saddle also was given two years of probation on each misdemeanor count.

U.S. Attorney Sheldon Sperling said Tuesday Cook agreed with his longtime employee, Rutilio Osornio, to hire illegal aliens Osornio introduced to Cook.

Osornio pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor count and was given $3,000 in fines and two years of probation.

In August 2006, a federal search warrant was executed at the business and 51 illegal aliens were found to be employed at the factory.

Defense Attorney Phil Hurst said the fine against the corporation exceeded guidelines. "My personal viewpoint is it's much to do about nothing," he said. "Homeland Security has to have something to justify their existence. They are the ones regulating immigration."

Sperling said the case presented a clash of competing government objectives.

"We are obligated to prosecute violations of immigration law," he said. "We
are also charged to remove aliens and apportion scarce detention dollars.

"Bottom line? The aliens were removed and the employer is being held responsible."

Calling an illegal alien an 'indocumented immigrant' is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'

OCHLA endorses resolutions opposed to HB 477 and Amended SB 260

Spokesman for Governor Strickland said he may veto the English Bill if it passes, now this states that he may possibly veto S.B.260 (which passed by a landslide in the senate), if it passes in the house.

OCHLA endorses resolutions opposed to HB 477 and Amended SB 260
Columbus: The Ohio Commission of Hispanic/Latino Affairs has endorsed resolutions calling upon the Ohio House of Representatives to oppose House Bill 477 and Amended Senate Bill 260, on the grounds that one is lacking a focus on promoting English-language learning, and the other threatens safety and security for all Ohioans.
On May 22, 2008, the House passed HB 477, by a vote of 54 to 42, and this bill now goes to the Ohio Senate.
According to Ezra C. Escudero Director of OCHLA, House Bill 477 is an unnecessary bill that carries negative messages for business and education in Ohio. “All state agencies already conduct their official business in English. Furthermore, the Ohio Latino Affairs Commission conducts all its official business and maintains all official documents in English, and has done so for over 30 years,” said Escudero.
“Ohio Latino Affairs opposes House Bill 477 because it does not change the status quo. Instead, the Commission supports legislation that supports English language education and programs such as ESL (English as a Second Language education) and other initiatives that can help new U.S.-Americans learn the language and integrate into our communities,” continued Escudero.
Amended Senate Bill 260 was passed by the Senate and is now before the House. OCHLA, likewise, opposes the passage of this amended bill.
“This bill cannot render our communities safer; it does not resolve the challenges of a broken immigration system, and has the potential of destroying important community relationships with the police that are in place right now. Ultimately, we must also encourage federal agencies to do their job, not volunteering state and local agencies with no guarantee of reimbursement,” said Escudero. “Across Ohio, partnerships between state, local, and federal law enforcement are a reality today without the need for legislation like Senate Bill 260.”
Recent accounts across the country, such as Prince William County, Virginia, show that programs like SB 260 are bankrupting local agencies, adding an unnecessary burden to local jails, and distracting law enforcement from more critical tasks like fighting violent crime.
Senator Teresa Fedor, who cosponsored Amended SB 260, informed La Prensa that she has since had second thoughts about bill 260 and will oppose its ultimate passage. Gov. Ted Strickland has expressed similar views of discontent.
On that Thursday, the Ohio House in Columbus heard testimony concerning opposition to Amended Senate Bill 260. According to Richard Romero, Chair of OCHLA, “I have taken the opportunity to talk to Lorain County Sheriff Phil Stammitti and Lorain Police Chief Cel Rivera; they agreed that this is not something local law enforcement needs to be involved with. It is a federal responsibility and local law enforcement should not be asked to participate when they have a lack of manpower and inadequate funding—Chief Rivera testified as such.
“I have also spoken with State Representative Matt Lundy, State Representative Joe Koziura, State Senator Sue Morano, State Senator Capri Cafaro, and Joyce Beatty, Minority House Leader, and they all agree that as the bill is written now there are some concerns and they will be keeping OCHLA informed as this bill continues to move forward,” said Romero.
According to Escudero, ultimately, the goal of the OCHLA’s endorsed resolutions is to promote English language learning and public safety for all people in Ohio, while doing so in a fiscally responsible manner.

Stay informed, get connected and more

Sunday, June 1, 2008

US Can't Say if Mexico Has Prosecuted Killers of 128 Americans
( - Both the State and Justice Departments told Cybercast News Service this week that they don't know whether Mexican authorities have arrested, prosecuted or convicted anyone for the murders of 128 Americans that the State Department reports took place in Mexico between Jan. 1, 2005 and Dec. 31, 2007. Neither department tracks that kind of information, Cybercast News Service was told. Full Story


Arkansas checking collegians' Social Security numbers
Goal is to ensure illegal aliens aren't allowed to pay instate tuition rates
--Arkansas Democrat Gazette

Illegal immigrant mystery health tab
State officials can't put price on program serving children of undocumented
--Chicago Daily Herald

2 illegal aliens sentenced for jealousy shooting
Pair almost released due to jail overcrowding
--Eugene Register-Guard, Oregon
