Saturday, October 23, 2010

Homeland Security Department Blamed for Border Fence Project Delays, Budget Problems

The troubled four-year-old federal program to install a virtual fence along the 2,000-mile U.S. border with Mexico is behind schedule and overbudget -- and the Department of Homeland Security is at least partly to blame, for not adequately policing contractor Boeing, a new watchdog report concludes...

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Illegal Aliens Canvass for Votes in Wash. State

SEATTLE -- When Maria Gianni is knocking on voters' doors, she's not bashful about telling people she is in the country illegally. She knows it's a risk to advertise to strangers that she's here illegally -- but one worth taking in what she sees as a crucial election.

The 42-year-old is one of dozens of volunteers -- many of them illegal immigrants -- canvassing neighborhoods in the Seattle area trying to get naturalized citizens to cast a ballot for candidates like Democratic Sen. Patty Murray, who is in a neck-to-neck race with Republican Dino Rossi...

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How America Can Stand By Arizona

I knew Arizona’s SB 1070 would be controversial when I introduced it, but I did not expect the national immigration debate to revolve around a state law.

While the anti-American open borders Left attack me and the law as “racist,” “nativist” and their other empty smear words, the vast majority of the people of Arizona and America support the law.

Naturally, politicians of both parties on the state and local level are trying to jump on the bandwagon as the election approaches.

On the state level, dozens of gubernatorial and attorney general candidates are campaigning to enact SB 1070 style legislation. Even Democrats like Georgia’s Roy Barnes say they’d sign such a bill. Of course a politician’s promise isn’t worth the paper it’s written on...

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Court Interpreter Accused Of Selling Fake Docs

Investigators say the Marion County jail had no idea one of its interpreters sold fake drivers licenses for $1,500 a pop in the middle of its courtroom, because she did the deals in Spanish.

Petersen found out they broke the language barrier and caught her.

Milagros Rosa used to come to the jail to work, but earlier this week she spent time in one of the cells...

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Mexico captures suspected Chinese migrant smuggler

Mexico City, Mexico (CNN) -- Authorities have apprehended the alleged leader of a global human trafficking ring that smuggled Chinese migrants to New York City through Mexico.

Mexican federal police arrested Huang Chen Yaowei, 31, and rescued eight undocumented Chinese migrants, Mexico's Secretary of Public Safety said in a statement Friday. U.S. immigration authorities arrested another suspect, Zhendi Li, in New York, the statement said.

Huang is the suspected leader of an international criminal organization that charged Chinese migrants $80,000 for passage to the United States through Mexico. He was allegedly involved in trafficking Chinese citizens since May 2004, Mexican authorities said.

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Senator Cornyn Leads Letter from Judiciary Republicans to Sec. Napolitano on Criminal Alien Dismissals

WASHINGTON — Upon learning that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials are dismissing pending removal proceedings in record numbers, including proceedings against some criminal aliens, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) today led a group of Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans in sending a letter to U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano, demanding detailed information about the dismissals. Senate Judiciary Republicans also asked how much funding DHS requires to ensure that it continues to enforce laws against all criminal aliens...

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Excessive Immigration Harms U.S. Children, Says Group

(NewsroomAmerica) -- Excessive legal and illegal immigration into the United States is harming the country in a number of ways, says an immigration reform group, but it is especially harmful to American children.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform said in a study released this week that rising immigration numbers "demonstrates how our poorly conceived and poorly enforced immigration policies are harming American school children."...

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Is Illegal Immigration Causing an Unhealthy America?

In the past 5 years, the United States has seen a compelling increase in deadly and contagious diseases. Some of these diseases include tuberculosis, leprosy, and even whooping cough. Are these diseases being brought over to the United States from illegal immigrants?

Many politicians and people are pushing for illegal immigration to be ignored, either to allow for a vote into office or because their business might financially benefit in paying lower wages. However, the health of Americans might be in danger if we aren’t going to monitor everyone coming into the U.S....

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UPDATE: ‘Illegal immigrant criminals back on street, thanks to ICE’

Prince William Board chairman Corey Stewart told The Examiner that a top aide at U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement admitted to him that ICE has released more than a half million convicted criminal illegal immigrants back into American communities instead of deporting them.

Stewart also says that he is still waiting for information he requested about the whereabouts of some 2,739 criminals convicted in Prince William County since 2007 and sent to ICE for deportation. County police officers have already recaptured 249 of these felons.

Here is ICE’s response, received after deadline Tuesday:...

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Democrat’s Son in Prison for Smuggling Illegal Aliens

The son of Rep. Allen Boyd (D.-Fla.) is in prison for smuggling illegal aliens across the Mexican border, calling into question Boyd’s commitment to securing borders and voting on immigration legislation in the House.

The congressman’s son, John Boyd, is currently in federal prison after pleading guilty to the felony charge of conspiracy to transport and harbor illegal aliens for profit. Boyd charged the four illegal aliens $3,000 each—$12,000 total—“to be smuggled into the United States and transported to their final destination.”...

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Chandra Levy's illegal alien killer on trial... finally

Chandra Levy's bright future was ended by an criminal alien who shouldn't have been in the U.S. in the first place.
Photo: Getty

Washington, D.C. intern Chandra Levy became a posthumous celebrity when the 24 years old vanished nine years ago and whose remains were eventually found by police. Now the man -- an illegal alien from El Salvador -- accused of her abduction and murder faces a judge and jury.

Jury selection in the trial of suspect Ingmar Guandique started on Monday morning in Washington. He faces murder, kidnapping, and several other charges. Police and prosecutors allege that Guandique attacked Levy as she was jogging alone in 2001...

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Pulling Up Anchor

Illegal Immigration: Lawmakers in 14 states are joining to restore the intended meaning of the 14th Amendment: that being a U.S. citizen requires more than just your mother sneaking past the Border Patrol.

The architect of Arizona's immigration law, SB2070, announced Tuesday a new crusade to correct what he perceives as an unfortunate misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment that allows children of illegal immigrant parents to be considered U.S. citizens if they're born on U.S. soil.

"This is a battle of epic proportions," Mesa Republican state Sen. Russell Pearce said. "We've allowed the hijacking of the 14th Amendment." He says allowing what are termed "anchor babies" because they make deportation difficult is an incentive to illegal immigration. "They use it as a wedge," he said. "This is an orchestrated effort by them to come here and have children to gain access to the great welfare state we've created."...

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

REPEAT OFFENDER: Technology ties violent deportee to two deaths
Police arrest man in 1998 slayings of elderly residents

Gustavo Ramos-Martinez is an illegal immigrant with a history of violent crime.

For years, he sneaked in and out of the country, visiting family in Las Vegas even though he was caught and deported to Mexico multiple times.

During much of that time, Las Vegas police were trying to find the killer of Wallace Siegel, 75, and Helen Sabraw, 86, who were brutally slain in May 1998 in their homes at the AmeriPark retirement community.

Although Ramos-Martinez eluded federal immigration authorities, he wasn't able to escape modern forensic technology.

On Wednesday, Las Vegas police arrested Ramos-Martinez, 31, in connection with the slayings. New tests revealed that his DNA was at both murder scenes...

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Previously deported illegal alien sex offender arrested for fondling Louisiana girl

Juan Velasques
Photo: Mandeville Police Department

On Saturday, police in Mandeville, Louisiana arrested Juan Velasques, 51, after he allegedly approached two young sisters, trying to lure them back to his apartment. According to Mandeville Police spokesman Officer Eric Gulino, he kissed and fondled one of the girls who is 12-years-old.

The girls ran away and told their mother about the incident who promptly called police...

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Illegal Immigrant Convicted In Rape Case
Armando Hernandez Sentenced To 6 Years In Prison
(Warren County, Ohio - 10/15/2010)
An illegal immigrant from Mexico has been convicted of raping a 16-year-old girl in Warren County.Armando Hernandez, 27, was found guilty on three counts of rape, one count of abduction and one count of attempted rape. The case was tried without a jury before the Warren County Common Pleas court...

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Teenage Illegal Alien Rapist Had Criminal Record
(Liberty Township, Ohio - 10/08/2009)

In yet another tragic consequence of sanctuary policies, an illegal immigrant teenager convicted of beating and raping a neighbor had a criminal record and previous arrests before committing the atrocity.

The illegal immigrant from Mexico was just 14 years old when he assaulted, robbed and raped a 64-year-old woman earlier this year near his home in Liberty Township, an Ohio town located bout 25 miles south of Dayton. He pleaded no contest and this week was slapped with a 28-year prison sentence. Authorities say he will finally be deported once he serves his time.

The big question is why wasn’t he deported sooner? The sheriff in Butler County, where the crime took place, confirmed early on that the violent teen (Alex Ramirez) had a previous criminal record and would be tried as an adult. Ramirez had also been arrested at least twice, according to local news reports that also revealed the teen had broken into other houses before bludgeoning and raping the woman...

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Troy Cops Find Man Passed Out Drunk Behind The Wheel On I-75
And He's an Illegal Immigrant

Police say it's a miracle no one was killed after rolling up to a pickup truck stopped in the middle of southbound I-75 near Rochester Road over the weekend.

The driver, 26-year-old Miguel Anel Rojas-Villanueva, was found to be passed out drunk with his foot on the brake...

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Illegal Aliens Goal is a Set of Valid License Plates

Excellent article by David North who brings to light one of the top priorities for illegal aliens is the acquisition of a set of valid license plates. Once acquired and with good driving habits, an illegal alien can remain undetected for years.

Denying License Plates to Illegals, Too

While many states in recent years have made it harder for illegal aliens to get driver's licenses, too few states examine these documents when issuing license plates for cars. A survey of state motor vehicle agencies showed these practices:

*Only a few states, no more than four, issue driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, or provide inadequate screening systems.
*A much larger group, 19, hand out driver’s license relatively carefully, but do not demand the document when distributing the plates.
*The largest group of jurisdictions, 23 of them (including Washington, D.C.) deny driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, and require that everyone seeking to register a car must produce that document.
*There are also five states where the rules are not clear; in two of them the issuance of plates is done by county clerks, with the practices varying by county.

No_License_Plates_for_IllegalsDriver’s licenses are routinely used as ID documents in America; I certainly use mine that way scores of times in commercial settings for every time that I actually show it to a police officer.

But if we want to discourage illegal aliens from driving (and generally from living in the United States) we should think about the license plates on cars as well. A rumpled, street-wise friend of mine, once a Virginia criminal defense lawyer, and now in the municipal tax collection business, said to me once: “David, what the illegals really want, in addition to amnesty, is a set of valid license plates for their cars.”

“A missing or out-of-date license plate on a car is much more visible than a lapsed or non-existent driver’s license. The cop can see it from a distance without having to stop the car first,” he continued, “and the illegals aren’t dumb, they know that.”

A few weeks later, a colleague mentioned that the issuances of driver’s licenses and license plates, though usually done by the same state agency, were often on different tracks, and someone who could not get a driver’s card, could get license plates.

Bearing in mind these two threads of intelligence, I decided to explore the extent of the disconnect between the two issuance processes, state by state. It was a tedious bit of research but in the days before the Internet it would have taken much longer. Some states’ instructions on registering a car, or getting the plates, tell whether a driver’s license is needed, and some do not; but all have e-mail answering services, of varying degrees of quality, that you can attempt to use when the information is not immediately forthcoming on the Web...

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Undocumented immigrants issued community ID Cards

Arizona may have recently come under national scrutiny for passing a law cracking down on illegal immigration, but an initiative in Princeton that has the opposite effect has attracted its own share of controversy.

Last May, Princeton Borough and Princeton Township agreed to accept community identification cards issued by the Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund, a nonprofit organization with an office in Princeton, to people without documented proof of legal immigration. All that is required to receive a card are a passport or consular documents from another country and proof of residency, such as utility bills...

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