Monday, November 22, 2010

Arizona: Posse formed to help battle illegal aliens; Lou Ferrigno joins (watch video report)

PHOENIX (AP) — An Arizona sheriff has sworn in 56 members of a new volunteer sheriff's posse, including actor-bodybuilder Lou Ferrigno.

The citizens' group will aid Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's deputies in efforts to crack down on illegal immigration.

Ferrigno, best known for his starring role in "The Incredible Hulk" television series, lives in California. He says the Arizona posse volunteers can help protect the country against drug and immigrant smugglers...

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DREAM Act Will Equal Nightmare For American Taxpayers

The United States of America is being threatened---and this may be your last chance to stop it.

I'm not talking about terrorist threats, which of course still exist. We are being threatened today, right at this moment, from WITHIN OUR OWN BORDERS.

ILLEGAL ALIEN advocates are pressuring the government to grant them amnesty, and Liberals are happily going along with their request! Harry Reid is putting the DREAM (Development, Relief and Education of Alien Minors) Act up for vote in the Senate, and Nancy Pelosi wants the House to vote on it the Monday after Thanksgiving...

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Deportees Who Came Back Are Caught in Dragnet

In a four-day immigration dragnet stretching from the suburbs north of New York City to eastern Long Island, federal law-enforcement officers arrested 54 illegal immigrants with criminal records who had previously been deported but had secretly re-entered the country, officials said Friday.

The tally was the largest number of once-deported immigrants ever ensnared in a single operation by immigration agents, said a spokesman in the New York office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, an arm of the Department of Homeland Security...

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The 'Dream Act': Amnesty for millions

When Congress convenes for its lame-duck session on Nov. 29, it will be asked by Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid to vote on an amnesty bill deceptively called the "Dream Act" by its open-borders supporters. If passed, it will be a nightmare for the rule of law and a death knell for genuine immigration reform.

That this amnesty bill is being taken up by the lame-duck session of a Congress that has been soundly repudiated by the American people is bad enough. Lame-duck sessions ought to consider only emergency bills with broad bipartisan backing, not contentious measures that can only be passed by politicians who can ignore the will of voters. But that is eerily in keeping with the dishonest character of the long debate over the Dream Act...

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Advocates Press Obama to Issue Executive Order on Immigration Reform

NEW YORK—The immigrant community is voicing frustration that two years into his term, President Obama still has not used his broad executive powers to reform the “unjust” and “inhuman” immigration system.

Borrowing from a 1960s civil rights campaign, the New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC) launched a campaign called With the Stroke of a Pen on November 15 to remind Obama that reforms are long overdue. The campaign comes as the prospects for congressional action on comprehensive immigration reform have dimmed, following Republican gains in the midterm elections...

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9 North Carolina Counties to Benefit from ICE Strategy to use Biometrics to Identify and Remove Aliens Convicted of a Crime

On Tuesday, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) began using a federal information sharing capability in nine additional North Carolina counties that helps federal immigration officials use biometrics to identify aliens, both lawfully and unlawfully present in the United States, who are booked into local law enforcement's custody for a crime. This capability is part of Secure Communities—ICE's comprehensive strategy to improve and modernize the identification and removal of aliens convicted of a crime from the United States...

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Obama administration plans to pull back National Guard from much of the border

The Obama Administration plans to withdraw National Guard troops from the Texas, New Mexico and California borders by the end February under a new Southwest security plan, even as turmoil in Mexican border cities grows, according to documents obtained by The Washington Examiner.

A letter sent to various members of the Texas Congressional delegation from Texas' Gov. Rick Perry's office says, "In February, 2011, the Texas, New Mexico, and California National Guard forces that were deployed to the border in September, 2010, under President's Obama's Southwest Border Augmentation Plan, will have 30 days to complete a total draw down of forces."...

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Advocacy group helps illegal immigrants get tax refunds, even those with bogus social security cards

A Manhattan group is helping illegal immigrants recoup unclaimed state tax refunds - even if they used fake Social Security numbers to work.

The Neighborhood Economic Development Advocacy Project got back thousands for a dozen undocumented New Yorkers who overpaid...

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Council OKs matricula consular resolution

DURHAM -- City Council members voted 5-2 Monday night to support the Durham Police Department's practice of accepting the Mexican government's matricula consular as a valid form of identification.

The decision, capping about a year of off-and-on debate, came at the request of local activist groups and the Mexican consulate that represents that country's interests in the Carolinas...

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CONTROVERSIAL? Group's ID cards stir up things

Issuing ID cards is simple. Take a photo. Type in some basic information. Laminate.

Nothing to it. Certainly nothing controversial.

Yet when the element of official recognition of such cards gets tossed into the mix, it can become toxic.

Such is the case with cards being issued by CHANGE — Communities Helping All Neighbors Gain Empowerment — to members who might lack a state-issued identification. During a routine news conference earlier this month, Chief Scott Cunningham of the Winston-Salem Police Department said that officers would use the card to help identify people they encounter.

“The hope is that by recognizing the CHANGE ID card we can be more efficient and effective in our interactions and that we can assist the public better,” Cunningham said.

Who could argue with that?...

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Like the slavery issue of 1776 when the founders framed the U.S. Constitution, 21st century immigration parallels the complexities of the past—facing today’s leaders and citizens.

Back then, they talked about a wonderful new concept of self-government that yielded, “…life, liberty and pursuit of happiness…,” as long as you did not carry shackles around your neck and feet.

Americans kicked the can down the road for nearly 100 years before the can kicked back. The American humorist Mark Twain said, “Silent assertion is the shabbiest of all lies. It happens when leaders, the media and church obfuscate, cloud, suppress or deny a social wrong or something not working in our civilization.”

Our ‘silent assertion’ ended up with America ripping itself apart in the Civil War.

Slavery could not continue as an institution. People died by the hundreds of thousands. Yet, today, slavery continues in Africa and people continue killing one another.

America repeats this slavery atrocity in America today: illegal immigration! Rich people and corporations employ poor people at slave wages to the tune of over 10 million of them in 2010 along with another 10 million of their kids and spouses. Those slave wages beat the misery of Mexican wages and many other countries. The rich dodge the laws and the poor crawl across American borders to break the law: “I came for a better life for me and my children.”...

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