Like the slavery issue of 1776 when the founders framed the U.S. Constitution, 21st century immigration parallels the complexities of the past—facing today’s leaders and citizens.
Back then, they talked about a wonderful new concept of self-government that yielded, “…life, liberty and pursuit of happiness…,” as long as you did not carry shackles around your neck and feet.
Americans kicked the can down the road for nearly 100 years before the can kicked back. The American humorist Mark Twain said, “Silent assertion is the shabbiest of all lies. It happens when leaders, the media and church obfuscate, cloud, suppress or deny a social wrong or something not working in our civilization.”
Our ‘silent assertion’ ended up with America ripping itself apart in the Civil War.
Slavery could not continue as an institution. People died by the hundreds of thousands. Yet, today, slavery continues in Africa and people continue killing one another.
America repeats this slavery atrocity in America today: illegal immigration! Rich people and corporations employ poor people at slave wages to the tune of over 10 million of them in 2010 along with another 10 million of their kids and spouses. Those slave wages beat the misery of Mexican wages and many other countries. The rich dodge the laws and the poor crawl across American borders to break the law: “I came for a better life for me and my children.”...
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