Saturday, October 17, 2009

BMV to Move on Suspect Registrations (Columbus, Ohio - October 16, 2009)

The Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles has quietly moved to cancel the potentially fraudulent registrations of thousands of vehicles driven by illegal immigrants...
Arizona Sheriff Conducts Migrant Sweeps Despite Curb

PHOENIX (Reuters) - An Arizona sheriff known for cracking down on undocumented migrants is conducting an immigration and crime sweep around Phoenix, less than a day after federal authorities curbed his powers to make immigration arrests...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Criminal Alien Cop-Killer Harbored by Texas Businessman

The employer of an illegal alien convicted of capital murder in the shooting death of Houston Police Department Officer Rodney Johnson pleaded guilty on Monday to harboring that same illegal alien following an investigation by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Office of Investigations in Houston and the HPD...
Hampton Bays Man Suspected in California Murder

A Guatemalan man who eluded authorities for years, fleeing across the country and starting a new life in Hampton Bays before he was caught this week, will be extradited to California where he faces murder charges...
Police Chief Getting Attention by Stopping Illegal Immigrants

BEAVER MEADOWS - Motorists driving through this tiny community in the shadow of the city of Hazleton be warned: Exceeding the speed limit or violating traffic laws won't be tolerated...
Man Gets 50 Year's for Teen's Slaying

A 21-year-old Montgomery County man whose criminal case helped trigger new police policies in Montgomery Count regarding illegal immigration was sentenced to 50 years in prison Thursday for killing a 14-year-old honor student aboard a transit bus last year...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Critical Issue: Ohio to be harmed by 2010 Census if illegal aliens included in count!

Your help needed immediately to support Vitter Amendment!

Background: U.S. Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) plans to submit an amendment to the Commerce, Justice, and Science appropriations bill to address the problem of illegal aliens skewing the 2010 Census results. The Vitter amendment would require the U.S. Census Bureau to add questions regarding immigration & citizenship status to the 2010 decennial census. If the amendment fails, illegal aliens will be counted in the census and states that have large populations of illegals will unfairly gain Congressional seats and Ohio will likely loose one or more Congressional districts and therefore have less influence in Congress and in future presidential elections.

What should you do?

Please call Ohio's U.S. Senators' Sherrod Brown and George Voinovich and urge them to support Sen. Vitter's census amendment. Call the Washington DC office and or their district offices in Ohio.

What should you say when the staff answers the phone? "Please ask the Senator to support Senator Vitter's amendment to the Commerce, Justice, and Science appropriations bill to protect Ohio from losing one or more Congressional districts. If illegal aliens are counted during the 2010 Census, states like California, Texas, and New York will likely gain Congressional districts and Ohio will lose one or more districts. Thank you."

DC Toll Free Numbers: 1-866-340-9281 (ask Capitol operator to be connected with the US Senators' offices. ) (If line become busy, try 1-877-851-6437 or 1-866-220-0044.)

(Ohio District Toll Free Number for Sherrod Brown: 888-896-6446)

What else can you do? Call other Senators using the toll-free number:

Get your friends and family to make calls too!

Steve Salvi, Founder
Ohio Jobs & Justice PAC (
P.O. Box 46219
Bedford, Ohio 44146
Poll: Mexicans Say Amnesty Would Increase Illegal Immigration

WASHINGTON, Oct. 14 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A new survey by Zogby
International finds that people in Mexico think that granting legal status to
illegal immigrants would encourage more illegal immigration to the United
States. As the top immigrant-sending country for both legal and illegal
immigrants, views on immigration in Mexico can provide insight into the likely
impact of an amnesty, as well as other questions related to immigration.

-- An overwhelming majority (69 percent) thought that the primary loyalty
of Mexican-Americans (Mexico- and U.S.-born) should be to Mexico. Just
20 percent said it should be to the United States. The rest were
-- Also, 69 percent of people in Mexico felt that the Mexican government
should represent the interests of Mexican-Americans (Mexico- and
U.S.-born) in the United States...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What is the Matricula Consular Card?

The Matricula Consular de Alta Seguridad (MCAS) (Consular Matriculation of High Security) is an identification card issued by the Government of Mexico through its consulate offices to Mexican nationals residing outside of Mexico regardless of their emigration status.[1] Also known as the Mexican CID card, it has been issued since 1871,[2] and cardholders could be either legal or illegal aliens in the foreign country they are residing in.[3] The official purpose of the card is to demonstrate that the bearer is a Mexican national living outside of Mexico. It includes an official Government of Mexico issued ID number and bears a photograph and address of the Mexican National to whom it is issued.

Use of the MCAS cards by illegal aliens weakens the measures established by the U.S. Congress after "9/11 to safeguard American businesses and financial institutions against fraud and abuse".[4] U.S. law enforcement officials also cite that Matricula Consular cards are issued by Mexican Consulate without checking the authenticity of the applicant's supporting documentation.

In a letter to the Homeland Security Secretary, the U.S. House Chairmen of the Homeland Security Committee, the Judiciary Committee, the Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security, and the Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, & Intellectual Property wrote, that the Matricula Consular "can be a perfect breeder document for establishing a false identity". They warned that criminals could exploit the cards to conceal their identity as well as launder money and write fraudulent checks. They went on to point out that any acceptance of the cards by the Federal government "compromises our homeland security" by providing an opportunity for terrorists to freely move about the U.S., board planes and transfer funds for terrorist activities.[5] (for more info check Wikipedia. .matricula consular card)
Chinese Migrants Nabbed at Arizona Border

TUCSON, Ariz. — U.S. Border Patrol agents said Monday that several groups of illegal immigrants from China have been arrested in southern Arizona in recent days...
Illegal Immigration: A Culture of Corruption

At a time when 83% of Americans view government corruption as a very important problem, isn't it time that we stop fostering a culture of corruption by failing to control illegal immigration?

Most illegal aliens come from countries where corruption is rampant. In 2008, the average corruption score of the ten countries with the largest number of their citizens residing illegally in the United States was 3.43 out of a possible ten signifying a serious to rampant level of corruption...

Gov't Dismisses Call for More Texas Border Fencing

BROWNSVILLE, Texas — Members of Congress have stripped a provision requiring 300 more miles of tall fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border from a Department of Homeland Security appropriation bill, saying the funds needed to build the barrier would be better spent on alternative security measures...
DHS Rescinds Controversial 'No Match' Employment Rule

[JURIST] The US Deparment of Homeland Security (DHS) on Wednesday rescinded [rule, PDF] a rule that would have required employers to fire workers whose information did not match Social Security Administration (SSA) [official website] records. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), National Immigration Law Center (NILC) and the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) [advocacy websites] filed suit [case materials] against DHS in 2007 challenging the "no-match" rule [NILC backgrounder, PDF], concerned that inaccurate records and clerical errors would threaten legal US workers...

Monday, October 12, 2009

Napolitano Bans Border Enforcement, Announces New "Alternatives to Detention" Program

DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano has now officially banned any enforcement of our immigration laws by local officials.

Meanwhile, in a press release on Tuesday, October 6th, removed all doubt that the Obama Administration is officially pursuing an open borders policy that rewards those who break into our country illegally, cut in front of law-abiding immigrants, and and impose crushing burdens on our already teetering economy...

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Commissioners' Office, Lake County
Painesville, OH, October 13, 2005
Commissioner Troy presented the following resolution and moved its adoption.
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners hereby finds and determines that all formal actions relative to the adoption of this resolution were taken in an open meeting of this Board of County Commissioners, and that all the deliberations of this Board of County Commissioners and of its committees, if any, which resulted in formal actions, were taken in meetings open to the public, in full compliance with applicable legal requirements, including Section 121.22 of the Revised Code, and
WHEREAS, The MatrĂ­cula Consular or Consular ID Card is the official record issued by the Mexican Government to any Mexican individual living abroad. The High Security Consular Registration Document is issued to the petitioner as a proof of citizenship; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of consular registration is to enable consular officers to provide protection and access to consular services, as well as to help relatives and authorities locate Mexican nationals abroad. Consular registration is recognized by international law and consular posts of every country around the world exercise the service to enable consular and diplomatic officers to furnish inherent rights and privileges of citizenship, and
WHEREAS, throughout the country, the consular ID has gained recognition by government and law enforcement officials for the visitors and residents working in its communities.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners, in and for Lake County, Ohio, hereby endorses the benefits to be derived to Mexican nationals of obtaining and using the MatrĂ­cula Consular.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the Lake County Auditor; Lake County Sheriff Daniel A. Dunlap; and to Oscar Antonio de la Torre Amezcua, Consulate of Mexico, 645 Griswold Ave., Suite 830, Detroit, MI 48226.
Commissioner Sines seconded the resolution and the roll being called upon its adoption, the vote resulted as follows:
"AYES": Commissioners: Aufuldish, Sines and Troy
"NAYS": None
Resolution adopted,
Amy Elszasz, Clerk
I, Amy Elszasz, duly appointed Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, do hereby certify that this is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by said Board on October 13, 2005 and recorded in the Commissioners' Journal, Volume 2005.
WITNESS my hand this thirteenth of October, 2005, in Painesville, Ohio.
Amy Elszasz, Clerk
Board of Commissioners, in and
for Lake County, Ohio

Commissioner Robert

Commissioner Daniel

Commissioner Ray Sines -


Dear Commissioners:

It has come to my attention that the Board of Lake County Commissioners unanimously adopted a Resolution "endorsing use of the Matricula Consular Issued by the Mexican Consulate for identification purposes" on the date referenced above.

I know that this card is not a valid ID and is not accepted by the Lake County Sheriff or the Painesville Police Chief as verifiable identity. I also know that your resolution is in direct conflict with federal law. Those are just some of the objections to the Matricula Card, and you have been apprized of those objections by several citizens of Lake County. Nonetheless, you have failed to withdraw the offensive resolution.

I am a citizen of Lake County, and I am now urging you to immediately withdraw that resolution.



