Tuesday, June 17, 2008

ALERT: NumbersUSA.com

Dear Faxer:

Ask your Rep. to expand funding for local immigration law enforcement

This new phone call request has been posted in your Action Buffet based on your answers to the Interest Survey.

You can find this phone call request by proceeding to
http://www.numbersusa.com/phones?ID= 10226

Please call your U.S. Representative who serves on the Appropriations Committee and ask them to EXPAND funding for the 287(g) program, which enables state and local police to enforce our immigration laws.

State and local police are badly needed to help overwhelmed federal immigration authorities apprehend and detain illegal aliens in the interior of our country. Illegal aliens currently outnumber federal immigration agents by 5,000 to one, and only 2,000 federal agents are active in enforcing the immigration laws in the interior of our country. Clearly, those numbers indicate that a limited number of federal agents are incapable of confronting the estimated 12-20 million illegal aliens currently inside our nation's borders and would benefit from the assistance of the more than 600,000 state and local law enforcement officers nationwide who come into contact with illegal aliens every day.

The House Appropriations Committee is expected to markup the DHS Appropriations bill on June 18. Your Rep. will help determine how much funding will be provided for the enforcement of our immigration laws.

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NumbersUSA - relies upon individuals like you to reach its goal of an environmentally sustainable and economically just America.

Numbers USA

1601 N. Kent Street

Suite 1100

Arlington, VA 22209

From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA

Date: Tuesday 17JUN08 1 p.m. EDT

Phone NOW to urge House appropriators to provide more money for local enforcement


The House Appropriations Committee tomorrow (Wed) will be deciding how much money the federal government can spend next year on enforcing immigration laws.

All of those committee Members need a phone call today letting them know that voters are watching and expecting them to expand funding for enforcement.

The committee Members are under huge pressure from special interests and newspaper editorial boards in their Districts to do the opposite -- to gut the rapidly increasing enforcement of immigration laws by local police and sheriffs.

Please phone at least one committee Member on the list below. Call at:


Tell the person who answers some or all of the following:

You are calling about the DHS Appropriations bill (Department of Homeland Security.

You know the Congressman/woman is on the committee that will be marking up the bill tomorrow ("marking up" means amending and putting into final form to send to the full House of Representatives).

It is most important the he/she expand funding for the 287(g) program that trains local agencies to enforce immigration law.

There are enough local agencies across the country willing and eager to help the feds that the illegal immigration problem could be largely solved if Congress would just provide enough training and other resources.

You will be watching reports to find out how the Congressman/woman votes on amendments that will help or hinder all law enforcement in detaining and removing illegal aliens from your community.

Add anything else you choose about why you want illegal aliens picked up and put into deportation proceedings, and why you want local law enforcement to be involved.

It is important that enforcement not be just for illegal aliens who have committed violent felonies. All illegal aliens must fear being arrested if we are to get enough voluntary departure to open up millions of jobs to non-employed American workers.
The news is full of stories of illegal aliens returning -- or considering returning -- to their home countries in part because of the pressure they feel from the growing number of cities, counties and states that are enforcing the law.

This is driving the pro-illegal crowd crazy. Don't underestimate how much pressure they are putting on the House Appropriations Committee to de-fund or underfund 287(g) and other enforcement efforts.

Local agencies cannot enforce immigration laws unless they receive proper training such as through the 287(g) program.

Dozens of law enforcement agencies are blocked from cracking down on illegal immigration because Congress in the past failed to appropriate enough money.

State and local police are badly needed to help overwhelmed federal immigration authorities apprehend and detain illegal aliens in the interior of our country.

Illegal aliens currently outnumber federal immigration agents by 5,000 to one, and only 2,000 federal agents are active in enforcing the immigration laws in the interior of our country. Clearly, those numbers indicate that a limited number of federal agents are incapable of confronting the estimated 12-20 million illegal aliens currently inside our nation's borders and would benefit from the assistance of the more than 600,000 state and local law enforcement officers nationwide who come into contact with illegal aliens every day.

As of August 21, 2007, 23 state and local law-enforcement agencies had struck agreements with ICE, and about 75 others had submitted applications. Most agreements were signed in the prior 18 months. To date, ICE has trained 416 officers, who, in turn, have made over 22,000 arrests in conjunction with Federal law enforcement officials.


Please phone a Representative from your state.

If your state is not listed here, please phone a Representative in your region of the country.

One phone call will be a wonderful help. If you have time and want to be a hero today, please call as many from your region as possible.


Robert B.Aderholt
Jo Bonner
Robert E. "Bud" Cramer, Jr.


Ed Pastor


Marion Berry


Ken Calvert
Sam Farr
Michael Honda
Barbara Lee
Jerry Lewis
Lucille Roybal-Allard
Adam Schiff


Rosa L. DeLauro


Allen Boyd
Ander Crenshaw
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Dave Weldon
C.W. Bill Young


Sanford Bishop
Jack Kingston


Michael K. Simpson


Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.
Ray LaHood
Mark Steven Kirk


Peter J. Visclosky


Tom Latham


Todd Tiahrt


Ben Chandler
Harold Rogers


Rodney Alexander


C.A "Dutch" Ruppersberger


John W. Olver


Carolyn C. Kilpatrick
Joe Knollenberg


Betty McCollum


Jo Ann Emerson


Dennis R. Rehberg


Rodney P. Frelinghuysen
Steven R. Rothman


Tom Udall


Maurice D. Hinchey
Steve Israel
Nita M. Lowey
José E. Serrano
James T. Walsh


David E. Price


David L. Hobson
Marcy Kaptur
Ralph Regula
Tim Ryan


Chaka Fattah
John P. Murtha
John E. Peterson


Patrick J. Kennedy


Zach Wamp


John Carter
John Abney Culberson
Chet Edwards
Kay Granger
Ciro Rodriguez


Virgil H. Goode, Jr.
James P. Moran
Frank R. Wolf


Norman D. Dicks


Alan B. Mollohan


David R. Obey


P.S. We can triple our membership quickly if our members email their friends about us and they in turn email theirs. Polls show that most Americans agree with NumbersUSA's positions but, despite our recent rapid growth, most American voters still have never heard of us. You can help change that by forwarding this email widely. (Note: depending on your email provider, you may need to send this as an "attachment.")

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As a NumbersUSA subscriber, you will receive occasional emails about immigration-related opportunities. If you want to increase or reduce the frequency of these emails, click here and choose from Total Activism, Moderate Activism, or Limited Activism at the bottom of your registration form: http://www.numbersusa.com/user

NumbersUSA - relies upon individuals like you to reach its goal of an environmentally sustainable and economically just America.

Numbers USA

1601 N. Kent Street

Suite 1100

Arlington, VA 22209