Cape Girardeau police arrest 5 undocumented immigrants
Five undocumented immigrants were arrested by a Cape Girardeau police officer who recognized one of them when he saw him driving and knew the man did not have a license, department spokesman Barry Hovis said Thursday.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ESCONDIDO: Rapist gets 8 years, deportation
Victim tells rapist he is 'a sadistic abusing pervert'
ESCONDIDO ---- Six years after a rape that left some of her internal organs permanently damaged, Tammy Chavez called her attacker "a sadistic abusing pervert" at his sentencing Thursday afternoon.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Politics : Democrat Congressman Urges Immigrants to Illegally Vote?
In the midst of the Democrat National Convention in Denver, Colorado, Democrat Congressman Luis Gutierrez urged immigrants to join him in supporting Barack Obama in the upcoming presidential election.