By Other Voices
February 02, 2010, 4:05AM
Congress will try once again to rush through the same amnesty bill, introduced by the infamous Sen. Harry Reid. This bill will, again, attempt to dupe the American people into believing it is all about border and employment enforcement.
Do not be misled. It is more about securing amnesty. There are about 15 million Americans out of work, plus 1 million more who have given up looking for jobs. Why should 8 million illegal aliens hold jobs in this country?
Every month, about 125,000 foreigners enter the United States with temporary visas or as legal immigrants. Americans should not have to compete with these numbers. How many will take the time to write, telling their representatives and senators to reject this bill and introduce one that will enforce our immigration laws, secure our borders and protect Americans from the impact of illegal immigrants and the monumental number of legal immigrants entering the country?
Jean Brehm, Euclid