MEChA, a racist Latino organization that has several chapters in Los Angeles and makes even the KKK look soft, is working towards "immigration reform." Many posts on the site urge their members to fight for immigration reform. It actually looks pretty innocent. However, given that their motto is "For the Race, everything, outside the Race, nothing," one has to be suspicious about their motives.
MeChA reminds its members that they must bring to the mind of every young Chicana and Chicano that the liberation of her/his people from prejudice and oppression is in her/his hands and this responsibility is greater than personal achievement and more meaningful than degrees, especially if they are earned at the expense of her/his identity and cultural integrity.
MEChA and their corrupt followers believe that the United States is evil and "stole land" from Mexico. They forget to mention a little treaty called the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. They also forget to mention that several of the people who fought against Mexico were Mexicans themselves. The fact that MEChA is supported strongly by liberals shows how hateful, racist, and misinformed many liberals really are.