While the Obama administration’s approach to dealing with America’s high unemployment level is to spend billions of borrowed dollars to try to create new jobs (without even making sure they are reserved for American workers), a new congressional caucus has a different idea. The Reclaim American Jobs Caucus, formed in March, is seeking to enforce U.S. immigration laws and fill millions of jobs now held by illegal aliens with unemployed American workers.
The bipartisan caucus was founded by Representatives Lamar Smith (R-Tex.), Sue Myrick (R-N.C.) and Gary Miller (R-Calif.) and has 41 members. "If the immigration laws we have on the books were enforced, we could cut unemployment in half," Smith asserted in announcing the formation of the caucus. Miller noted that in his home state some 2.2 million Californians are out of work, while about 1.9 million illegal aliens hold jobs in the state...