Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Take Action
Take Action

Help limit a Lame Duck session tomorrow!

September 22, 2010

Tomorrow, Thursday, September 23rd, the House will vote on another Lame-Duck session resolution offered by Rep. Tom Price (R-GA).
Price’s second attempt to prevent stealth legislation from getting through a lame-duck will be slightly different than his resolution the last time around.
The new resolution states:
That the House of Representatives pledges not to assemble on or between November 2, 2010, and January 3, 2011, except in the case of an unforeseen, sudden emergency requiring immediate action from Congress, and that the consideration of any of the following matters does not constitute an unforeseen, sudden emergency:
  • Any legislation pertaining to the Immigration and Nationality Act.
Anti-English provisions could easily be added to a bill that proposes changes to the Immigration and Nationality Act during a lame-duck, so we want to make sure that doesn’t happen!
Limiting a lame duck session will decrease the risk of Congress attempting to jam through stealth legislation.
Call and email your representative now and tell them to support the Price "Limit the lame-duck resolution" by voting YES TOMORROW!
Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121